A little loop of Sauvie Island

Since I work from home, I don’t always get to ride nearly as much as I’d like.  I’ve decided to rectify that by doing Sunday rides.  My inaugural ride was today, and I decided to go somewhere completely and entirely new today.  I ventured to Sauvie Island, the largest island in the Columbia River, and home of a lot of farming and u-pick farms (and a nude beach!).

I didn’t stop to take photos this time (now that I know the road a bit, I’ll be better prepared to stop in the very few pullouts for photos), but had a great time looping around the island.  The roads were nice rural roads with more than enough twists to keep things interesting.  Bonus – found a number of u-pick farms that I’d like to visit, and a pumpkin patch that will be fun to go to closer to Halloween.

After Sauvie Island, I decided to keep going for a bit and ride around near the shipping terminals near my house.  Those roads have a pretty high speed limit for being in the city, and are all but deserted during weekends.  Nice, nice nice!

I’ll have to chalk the inaugural ‘get out of the house and ride’ ride up to a success!  Photos next time 🙂