So who buys a custom Longchamp tote that just *happens* to match her Aerostich? Yeah….this girl. And who didn’t realize that said custom Longchamp tote was in the same color scheme as her Aerostich until it arrived today? Yeah…also this girl.
SW Motech Legend Bags
SW Motech Legend Bags I think I’ve found soft luggage for my Scrambler. I wonder when they’ll be available and I wonder how expensive they will be….. And wow, that custom grey Scrambler in the ad is pretty sweet 🙂
Observations on Motorbike Commuting
Semi trucks….why must they be on the road in such high volume during rush hour? They’re driving for work – they can’t enjoy being stuck in traffic. People late to work are the most dangerous people on the road. They’re the epitome of no fucks given. Tired people driving before caffeinating are a close second. […]
This Little Girl Reminds Us Why We Ride Motorcycles
This Little Girl Reminds Us Why We Ride Motorcycles This is pretty awesome, I gotta say 🙂
Life in the Land of Joy
I have just about a hundred miles on my Scrambler now. Enough to be through the engine heat/cool cycles recommended for break-in, but nowhere near enough to be complacent (if one can ever be truly complacent on two wheels) on the newest resident of our garage. Still, I have some general impressions. Throttle – some […]
The Obligatory Red Room Photo
I didn’t get fireworks, but I did get an awesome Red Room Photo before I roared off from Moto Corsa…
Scramblin’ Around St Johns
Showing my Scrambler the St Johns sights!
New Bike Day Is The Best!
Hooray for New Bike Day! My new Scrambler has finally come home, after a 3+ month wait, and I couldn’t be happier. It’s so lightweight compared to my BMW! I’e already added in frame sliders and some aftermarket Acerbis handguards with LED auxiliary lights, since I do plan on splitting my commuting time between this […]
No Car…No Worries!
We’ve officially been carless now for three weeks. And it has been three weeks of awesome. I do still occasionally look out my window and think for a split-second that someone has stolen our car, but then I remember. Wheeling the motorbikes out of the garage is so much easier now that I don’t have […]
Adventures in Carlessness, Day 1
We sold our GTI today! So exciting to be officially carless. Granted, we are substituting our motorbikes for cars, but it still requires a small shift in doing things. Like grabbing a Car2Go if we want to go downtown for sushi and think we might want a beer with dinner. Or being more strategic with […]