Observations on Motorbike Commuting

Semi trucks….why must they be on the road in such high volume during rush hour?  They’re driving for work – they can’t enjoy being stuck in traffic.

People late to work are the most dangerous people on the road.  They’re the epitome of no fucks given.

Tired people driving before caffeinating are a close second.  Please, for the love of all that is holy, get caffeinated so you can drive at least at the speed of traffic.

Some cagers are unexpectedly awesome, like when they let you merge over the two lanes you need to in bumper-to-bumper traffic.  You are awesome, but I also think you must also be a rider, so thanks!

Stopping on a downhill, left hand banked corner because you’re in bumper-to-bumper traffic sucks on a tall bike.  I have to put my right foot down instead of the more natural left foot, and every time I do (usually at least three times per ride home), I’m terrified I’ll tip my bike over.  In traffic.  And piss off everyone behind me.

Filtering (lane splitting to most of America) really, really needs to be legal and accepted.  Motorbiker commutes would be so much more efficient, and we’d be out of the way of the cars.

It’s ok to get a sick pleasure out of making car drivers nervous by creeping ever so slowly without putting your feet down, because going slow well is the hallmark of a really good motorbiker.

Real motorbike commuters wear Aerostich Roadcrafters.