In Which I Fall Into a Hole…

So this gigantic hole caught me by surprise on my way home tonight.  I’d gotten stopped by a train that was going nowhere fast, and got the brilliant idea to turn around on a back road in the industrial part of town.  Unbeknownst to me, this ginormous and deep hole  (photo taken looking back the way I’d come  – I was set up to cross the tracks nearly perpendicularly) was just waiting to eat a motorbike.  Between the dark (no real lights except on the nearby buildings) and the wet ground, I just didn’t see the hole.  I was on the ground before I knew what happened.

It took me three tries to pick my bike up – what can I say?  I’m a weakling 🙂  It looks like the only damage is a broken clutch lever and my pride.  I’m glad nobody saw me topple over, and that I didn’t have to call Scott to have him come help me pick my bike up 🙂

Bad roads are worse than off road!