Yesterday, I got my first ever puncture (courtesy of a rather large masonry screw) on my way into work.  It probably happened about halfway in to my commute but surprisingly, it wasn’t until I was riding back from my dentist appointment about an hour and a half later until I felt something was wrong.  The back end of my F650 was super wobbly if I went even one mph over 15 mph.  I thought something was wonky with my rear shock (because now that I know it needs replacing, all problems are caused by the shock.  In my mind.), so I flipped on my hazard lights and crept back to my office, which fortunately is only a mile from my dentist’s office.

When I got back to work, I did a quick check and noticed that my rear tire was, in fact, flatter than a pancake.  After a text to the husband to figure out the bike tow guy’s name (it’s Thunder Mountain Motorcycle Rescue, by the way, and they’re awesome!), I got a late afternoon tow arranged.  Hooray!

Now, until my new tire arrives and we get it mounted I’m Scramblin’ to work, and it’s so much fun riding my little Scrambler during rush hour.  And the new heated grips are crazy-warm, even on low.  Fingers crossed I don’t get another puncture – I’m fresh out of spare bikes!!